Friday, February 21, 2025

Development of Costumes

 The costumes that characters in films wear is a huge part in the development of who their character is and the traits that go along with the way they dress. Some may think that the outfits the characters are wearing are random and unimportant, but in reality the costumes that characters are sporting can say a lot more about a character than dialogue or actions can. 

One example of how costumes represent a character well is Dwight Shrute from the hit television show The Office. Dwight Shrute is one of the employees at the office and he is very serious about his job and can be quite strict at times. This professionalism can be matched to his attire. Dwight makes sure to look his best as much as possible during work hours and outside the workplace.

As you can see by the suit and tie, this picture depicts Dwight to a tee as even though he is seen in the audience's eyes as a character to laugh at due to his actions and words, in the show his intentions are very serious and straightforward.

Our costumes for the opening have been selected with several factors involved in the decision such as representation of character, setting the scene will be in, and how the audience will perceive it.

One of our costumes that we have planned out for the beginning scene where J.D is playing basketball has checked off all of the factors listed above and would be a great way to incorporate the importance of costumes into the film opening.

The heat jersey was chosen due to its representation aspects of J.D's big dream of going to the NBA as well as fitting in with the scene of him playing basketball. The shorts were chosen as they were athletic shorts that would be the kind of shorts that you would find at a basketball court.The shoes that we picked aren't necessarily basketball sneakers, but this is for a reason. The more casual shoes that we picked out better represents J.D as it shows how even though he is trying very hard, he isn't even wearing the proper foot attire.

Overall the whole costume put together is perfect as it is very similar to an ourfit that you would see at a basketball court, it represents the hard work and desperation J.D has to make it as a basketball player, and the audience's first impressions of J.D will be them seeing him working really hard and grinding during practice.

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