Thursday, February 20, 2025

Use of Props in Opening

During the production of our film opening a significant part that we will need to integrate into the story will be our props. Props in any movie or production are a way to further develop the plot by integrating items into the story to make the story seem more in-depth and accurate.

One great example of props in movies is Wonder Woman's lasso of truth. This lasso was her weapon and is one of the things that she is known for and recognizable by.

As you can see this lasso is a key role player in enhancing her character. Without this prop, the audience would be missing out on a huge part of her character. This also applies to all of the superheros with props as weapons as without them, it would be extremely difficult for the superheros to show their powers.

Similarly to Wonder Woman and her lasso, the props we are going to utilize are also being used with the intention of developing the story but more importantly, J.D and his character.

One of the props we were going to use was a picture of J.D with his brother. This picture would come into play when we are shooting the scene where he is feeling down and his mother is consoling him.

This is the picture we are planning to use. We wanted to place this in a picture frame to make it more natural to be holding so it visually is more pleasing on screen. There is a picture frame in my house that I plan to put this picture in.

In order to get the desired look we need to edit the photograph by adjusting the color gradients to give the image more of a nostalgic, older feel. 

This prop will be crucial in the development of this film opening and without it the story and plot wouldn't be as intricate.

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