Friday, February 7, 2025

Thriller Credit Sequences

American Psycho:

American Psycho Opening Credits Scene

The credit scene for this film is taking place in a very fancy restaurant with Patrick Bateman and 3 others sitting at a table for which seems to be lunch time. Just like the opening scene, there is a sophisticated song playing in the background and Patrick Bateman is actually the most polite out of the 4 of them. This rivals the rest of the movie as he eventually spirals into mental insanity.

Baby Driver:

Baby Driver Opening Credits Scene

This film is centered around Baby and his love for music so it was only fitting to have the credit scene be him walking around Atlanta to the beat of the music coming from his earbuds. Some of the lyrics were incorporated into the setting as some of the words in the song were written around the street most often shown as graffiti.

Shutter Island:

Shutter Island Opening Credits Scene

This credit scene pictures the different items and places that will be in the movie. The ominous background music adds a level of uncertainty and uneasiness to the audience that would match the feelings of how the investigators are feeling entering this spooky mysterious asylum.

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