Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Coaches Office Production

 This scene is the one that is set to follow the opening scene of J.D missing the shot on the court. During this scene the coach is talking with him about his performance and his dreams.

This scene took much longer than anticipated as the acting required a serious tone when saying the dialogue during filming, but due to the comedic nature of the phrases and other elements, this turned into a scene where many cuts were needed. After all the shenanigans, however, we completed the scene with all of the intended shots with several different angles for the post production process to have more options to choose from.

 This snippet shows an alternate angle that we shot to allow for more of a selection to choose from to create the best looking story. As shown in this shot, J.D's coach is upset with J.D's performance and is having a stern discussion with him. 

As for the location of the scene, we had trouble finding an actual coaches office as they wouldn't let us film in the one in school and some of the teachers desks could've worked if there weren't other kids making noise. This worked out well in the end as we were able to go to our friends house and shoot both the room scene with J.D's mom and this office scene at his house. The office space you see here is my friend's dad's office that he let us borrow.

Even though it isn't a real coaches office, it still fits and the scene still looks as it was intended.

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