Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Group Meeting #2


The girls mom dies and the dad starts to neglect her. Before the mom's death they were very religious, however after her death the dad starts drifting away from religion. This happens until the dad finishes grieving.  After this happened they moved to a very religious town to reconnect with god. This leads into the main characters realizing that it is all about the community around them. The use of props were very good and set the scene very well.


A family is living in amongst a zombie apocalypse until a zombie breaks into their house and murders the parents. The kids are then left to survive and fend for themselves. This movie follows the kids as they try to stay alive. One of the main challenges for them was to find good lighting as they were shooting in the dark. They solved this by utilizing a flash from a phone and placing it in a way where the effect was created perfectly.


Coming of age about this girl that is being peer pressured into doing bad things by her "friends" and after her mom's death her grievance and need for companionship pushes her do explore these things that are bad for her. The location of the film had to be changed on very short notice as the sunlight during the sunset at the beach was very inconsistent, so they decided to do it at the pool. This alternative ended up working well.


A school-age girl is a misfit in comparison to the rest of the kids at school and the film is about how she doesn't fit in with the others and her actions and color scheme in her costumes and props emulate the main character's behavior. This film was able to be filmed mostly at school and at the group members house. She created a soundtrack by hand with her piano at home and recorded it to be used in the film opening. This sad tune compliments the story.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Question 1

 The first question for the CCR(Creative Critical Reflection) is about discussing topics such as genre conventions and representation.

As I began researching actors of comedy movies and YouTube videos about them discussing the film they were in, they often did it in a podcast-style with a question and answer structure. This will be what I plan on doing for the first question as myself and others seem to find podcasts like these entertaining and fun to listen to and watch.

This image shows Adam Sandler talking about his new movie coming out with Netflix soon with Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show.

This video and others inspired me to want to do something along these lines. I will have J.D be the interviewee and I will be the interviewer and as I discuss different topics about the creation of the film I will discuss with him the different genre conventions we incorporated and the use of different props as representation in the film.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Editing Process Post 2

 This post dives deeper into the details of the more technical parts of the editing process. after we cut the clips down and fit them into place, we have to come up with appropriate ways to introduce new scenes and changes in location.

As you can see from this snippet, to switch from the basketball court scene to the coaches office scene, we experimented with different fades and cuts to transition properly and to give the shot the intended effect. 

We also plan to integrate sound into our project as we will need to do a voice over of some of the scenes since there is heavy background noise during a few shots. This voice over will need to be added in during post production. We also plan to incorporate diegetic sound in when J.D is at the gym and he plays his headphones, this will be when the audience is able to hear what J.D hears and the outside world noise is cut off. This will also have to be done in post production.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Editing process Post 1

 This post is centered around the beginning of the editing stage of this project. We have officially finished filming and have shifted our focus onto editing and adding the finishing touches onto the film opening.

The first step in editing the film is transferring all of the clips into the editing software and choosing which clips fit best and deleting the other cuts that are not as visually pleasing. Once the correct clips are left, we have to cut them down so the different clips seamlessly transition from shot to shot.

As you can see from this snippet, we are cutting the clips and editing them to fit the timing so they can properly switch to the next shot.

Our film opening will not have too many difficult/extreme editing incorporated into it so this process shouldn't take too long.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Coaches Office Production

 This scene is the one that is set to follow the opening scene of J.D missing the shot on the court. During this scene the coach is talking with him about his performance and his dreams.

This scene took much longer than anticipated as the acting required a serious tone when saying the dialogue during filming, but due to the comedic nature of the phrases and other elements, this turned into a scene where many cuts were needed. After all the shenanigans, however, we completed the scene with all of the intended shots with several different angles for the post production process to have more options to choose from.

 This snippet shows an alternate angle that we shot to allow for more of a selection to choose from to create the best looking story. As shown in this shot, J.D's coach is upset with J.D's performance and is having a stern discussion with him. 

As for the location of the scene, we had trouble finding an actual coaches office as they wouldn't let us film in the one in school and some of the teachers desks could've worked if there weren't other kids making noise. This worked out well in the end as we were able to go to our friends house and shoot both the room scene with J.D's mom and this office scene at his house. The office space you see here is my friend's dad's office that he let us borrow.

Even though it isn't a real coaches office, it still fits and the scene still looks as it was intended.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Gym Scene Production

 After the production of the basketball scene was complete we moved into completing the gym scene that we had planned. In our script and storyboard we called for a shortened version of this scene to end off with, but we thought it'd be best to have more footage that we could shave down than add more at a later date.

This angle is among others used to show J.D benching during his workout. This clip is a crucial one in the scene as it introduces the diegetic sound that J.D and the audience hears of the music playing from his headphones and it adds a comedic element to his "intense" workout as he is struggling to bench the bar.

We incorporated different parts of the body into this scene to be able to show him working out on different machines without it being too repetitive. This treadmill creates symbolism as no matter how hard J.D pushes to be better, he is still stuck in the same spot.
This scene doesn't include too much dialogue so we were laser focused on the acting being on point so we could accurately tell the story the way we intend it to be told.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Basketball Scene Production

 One of the scenes that we filmed at L.A Fitness was the opening scene where J.D is playing basketball. When we were filming there were other people on the court but out of view which made the soundscape very messy, but this will all be fixed when we add in the audio ourselves.

Overall this scene was the most fun to film and it didn't take very long at all. We based our shots and lines off of the script and storyboard we had created and even with our creative tweaks added on during filming, this scene was pretty smooth throughout.

This snippet is a part of the first sequence in this scene where the audience sees J.D go up against another player in basketball. This is the first impression J.D will have on the audience.

This scene introduces many of the characters very quickly and they are all represented well with their outfits, dialogue, and role in the scene.

This scene is definitely one of the ones that plays more into the comedic aspect of the movie as the dialogue and acting go hand in hand with the hopes of amusing the audience.

Group Meeting #2

 Jayden- https://jdaicemedia.blogspot.com/ The girls mom dies and the dad starts to neglect her. Before the mom's death they were very r...