Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Music Marketing project blog #2

The video below shows a behind the scenes look at the creation and work put into this project throughout the many stages. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing project post #1

We have been assigned over the span of a few weeks of creating a brand and persona for a new music artist coming onto the scene. The genre and song was chosen by the teacher. For my group's genre we got country music. 

For our researching we decided to research the marketing and brands of artists across the whole spectrum from world-renowned artists such as Dolly Parton, to upcoming stars such as Jackson Dean. Along with the artists themselves, we also researched the label that they are signed with and information on them. Using this newfound information we were ready to create our own country star. 

For the planning of the project we decided to pace ourselves. Knowing each other, if we didn't have a set schedule we would most likely end up rushing it in the last few days and miss out on creating higher quality pieces. This schedule outlined our deadlines for when we would like to have certain elements of the project completed along with the date that we planned on filming the music video that would work for us. 

For some of the parts of the project we set one person or two as a "manager" of that certain part of the project. For the storyboard that we would be referencing for our music video, we had one of our group members be the head of that assignment and as he would take comments and suggestions from the others, the story board was a main focus of his. We figured out our strengths and weaknesses and decided to plan accordingly so we could effectively create the best product we could, at an efficient pace.

Group Meeting #2

 Jayden- The girls mom dies and the dad starts to neglect her. Before the mom's death they were very r...