Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

 I recently completed an assignment where my partner and I had to tell the story of an inanimate object in 15 different still photos. We were tasked with using a plethora of different types of shots and angles in our creation. We decided to focus on the life cycle of a banana at school and how it can relate to that of a student. My partner and I approached this by first creating a plan of what type of shot we were going to use, and where this shot would take place. We then put that plan into motion and went around the school taking pictures with the appropriate shots. I believe that our detailed plan allowed us to have a seamless creation experience.

Monday, August 26, 2024

 Hi, my name is Wyatt. I am a high school student and I am creating a blog for my AICE Media Studies class. This will be where I will document the different stages of me throughout this school year and my progress made along the way.

Group Meeting #2

 Jayden- The girls mom dies and the dad starts to neglect her. Before the mom's death they were very r...